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biography.html 26.02.2020

Short Biography of Helmar Kloss

Copyright Helmar Kloss, 2020

     I was born on the third December of 1940, three months and two days after the beginning of the second world war. Some data, before I'll show the literary consequences of the traumatic influences the war had on my life.
     I entered school at the age of five and finished it at the age of eighteen in 1959. I studied sociology, psychology, history and philosophy but did not take up a university career. Instead, I learned data processing and organization, finishing a fairly successful career as management consultant and lecturer in 1991. From then on I concentrated on writing.
    Perhaps, the most important effect of the war has been a deep mistrust of the human species in general. One of the most ironic or even sarcastic formulations I'm proud of is the following: “Man is the greatest failure of evolution. Many people seem to have understood this. At least, they kill as much of their conspecifics as they can, sometimes even millions. So, in the last century some hundred million human beings have been killed by other human beings. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, this did not yet suf­fice to get rid of the spe­cies.”
    I'm looking for truth or at least probability in all subjects I have studied, to overcome legends and propaganda of beguilers of all sorts, especially of political and religious leaders. The books I published show this:
    “Orest”: Orest did not kill his mother because of blood vengeance as presumed but because he came to understand that his mother hated him instead of loving him as he had hoped. And why did she do so? She was a spoils of war of the tyrant Agamemnon who killed her first husband and their child. No wonder, that she was unable to love the children this barbarian procreated.
    “Die Leiden des jungen Goethe” (The sufferings of young Goethe); the title corresponds to that of Goethe's first romance – and uses methods of the study of literature combined with psychological methods to understand Goethe and some aspects of the development of human personalities in general. Some 50 years of thinking and about 30 years of often interrupted years of writing produced not only interesting results concerning Goethe's character but philosophical insights concerning human beings.
    “Kleist bei Goethe in Weimar” (Kleist in Weimar to meet Goethe) was written to call in mind the two hundredth return of Kleist's suicide in 1811. Besides, I wanted to show some responsibility of Goethe for Kleist's financial and psychical ruin about two years after the first performance of Kleist's comedy “Der Zerbrochene Krug” (The Broken Mug) directed by Goethe which was a failure.
    “Amphitryon oder die Zeugung von Herakles” (Amphitryon or the procreation of Hercules): This comedy is quite funny and I'm very proud of it. Of course, the father of Hercules was human and not divine. My piece shows the probable reasons for the common legend.
    “Über Staub und andere Feinde des Wohlbefindens – Erzählungen und dergleichen” stories about 'dust and other obstacles to feel well': This are more or less funny or serious stories and aphorisms accumulated in decades.
    “Helena”, subtitle – Liebesträume und Traumata” (Dreams of love and traumata). On the cover it is called ”ROMANtic”; in German romance is called 'Romàn', combined with 'tic' it signifies neudeutsch (inspired by English) 'romantic'. But it is not just a romantic romance because in part inspired by insights of depth psychology.
    “Goethe in Leipzig – Goethes erste Liebe” (Goethe at Leipzig – Goethe's first love) - is a concentration of the most important results of the study “The sufferings of young Goethe” but less difficult to read.
